Dec 31, 2023
Addressing Gender Recognition
First and foremost, we want to extend our apologies to our female users. We've received reports indicating that after setting their gender to female, our bots were incorrectly gendering users after a few interactions. Thank you to all the ladies who brought this to our attention – We're pleased to announce that this issue has been fixed!
Fine-Tuning AI Responses
With the introduction of RolePlai v3.0, we aimed to enhance the intelligence of our AI bots significantly. However, with great power comes great responsibility, and we noticed an unintended side effect. Some users reported that our AI was getting a bit too enthusiastic, providing excessively long responses to simple queries – one user described the issue as "biblical" in proportion. We've adjusted our AI algorithms accordingly. Now, you can enjoy more concise and relevant responses from our AI bots.
Introducing the "Tell Me More" Button

Tell me More
On a brighter note, we're thrilled to introduce a small yet impactful new feature – the "Tell me more" or "Continue" button. If you ever want the bot to delve deeper into a topic, simply click the three dots to activate the "Continue" button. The bot will seamlessly pick up where it left off, providing more depth on the subject at hand. This addition ensures that your conversations remain fluid and, we hope, enhances your overall experience. This feature is available for both free and pro users, offering unlimited use.
*Sitting in My Chair, Pondering the Perfect Heading*

With the intelligence enhancement in RolePlai v3.0, our bots are now programmed to use more relevant and descriptive actions in their responses. For example, a bot might say, *I walked into the room and waved.* This feature has been receiving fantastic feedback, with many users commenting that it makes the chat experience more engaging and imaginative.